UHA / MANY Annual Conference Announcement

Upstate History Alliance and Museum Association of New York are calling for participation in their recently reorganized annual conference. According to their web site, &#8220The UHA/MANY annual conference has a new name and a new format and we need your ideas and leadership to bring it to life! We’ve decided to leave the &#8220talking head&#8221 sessions of past conferences behind and focus on generating a new energy through conversations and networking.&#8221

Museums in Conversation: Fresh Perspectives for New York State Museums is being organized in collaboration with the New York State Council on the Arts, the New York Council for the Humanities, and the Archives Partnership Trust. It will be held March 29-30, 2009 at the Doubletree Hotel, Tarrytown, New York.

The calls for session proposals and pre- and post-conference workshops proposals are now available here. The submission deadline is November 1, 2008.

Proposals are being welcomed &#8220from a wide range of disciplines and professions, within and outside the museum community, that focus on how institutions are using interdisciplinary approaches to reach new audiences and build innovative collaborations that strengthen program organizational development.&#8221

The conference organizers are seeking undergraduate and graduate student volunteers.

Call for Papers: Consortium on Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850

Although it’s going to be held in Savannah, GA (February 19-21, 2009), New York History readers may find this call for papers interesting:

The Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1805 is an organization which provides a venue for the presentation of original research on not only the revolutionary history of Europe in this era, but also the Atlantic World and beyond. They are welcoming proposals from the allied disciplines and comparative studies- in short, they offer a platform for research into the revolutionary era broadly defined.

The 2009 conference will be held February 19-21 at the Savannah DeSoto Hilton.

The program committee prefers proposals for complete sessions (three
papers, plus chair and a commentator). However, they will accept proposals for incomplete sessions, and individual paper proposals. Session proposals should include name of presenter, title of paper, and brief abstract (no more than one page) for each paper- and brief CVs (no more than 2 pages) for each participant. The deadline for proposals is October 15, 2008. They are looking for traditional presentations of new research, as well as roundtable discussions. Proposals from doctoral students are welcome.

Keynote Address: Alan Forrest
York University
Alan Forrest is Professor of Modern History and Director of the Centre
for Eighteenth Century Studies, York University.

Banquet Speaker: David Armitage, Harvard University David Armitage is
Professor of History at Harvard University.

Send proposals to:
Professor Charles P. Crouch
Department of History
P.O. Box 8054
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA 30460-8054
[email protected]

Call for Proposals: Underground Railroad History Conference

The Planning Committee of the Eighth Underground Railroad (UGR) History Conference is soliciting brief proposals for presentations, panels, and workshops that address the theme &#8220The Underground Railroad, Its Legacies, and Our Communities.&#8221 Proposals should be made for a 60-minute workshop session, for a poster session or exhibition, or for a cultural/artistic activity.

According to the announcement, conference organizers &#8220ask that all proposals allow for significant audience interaction. And, while we urge that proposals focus on the conference theme, we also invite proposals on other important topics concerning Underground Railroad history. See the full call for proposals pdf here.

The Eighth Annual UGR History Conference will be held at College Park, Union College, Schenectady, NY, on February 27-28, 2009. It is sponsored by the Underground Railroad History Project of the Capital Region, Inc.

For more information, consult the web site at http://www.ugrworkshop.com/

Proposals should be submitted to the planning committee by September 30, 2008 by mail at URHPCR, PO Box 10851, Albany NY 12201 or via e-mail at urhpcr [AT] localnet [DOT] com

AASLH Annual Meeting in Rochester September 9-12, 2008

The American Association for State and Local History Annual Meeting in Rochester beginning September 9th is geared toward &#8220history professionals, historical sites, historical societies, history museums, military museums, libraries, presidential sites, students, suppliers, and more.&#8221

According to their website:

This is your chance to share your passion, ideas, and knowledge with over 800 of your peers in the field of state and local history. You’ll have an opportunity to learn from over 80 sessions and 17 pre-meeting workshops that directly relate to the latest issues and trends that you face. And, you’ll also have an opportunity to have fun while you explore Rochester’s amazing history through the evening events and tours.

Although apparently they’re keeping the costs of the conference pretty quiet (good luck finding it on the website), you can apparently register here.