The New-York Historical Society invites qualified applicants who are within 3-5 years of having received the Ph.D. to apply for one of two Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowships for research and writing in any field relevant to the Society’s library and museum collections. Awardees are expected to be in residence for the academic year commencing on September 1, 2010, and carry an academic year stipend of $60,000. The
deadline for applications is March 1, 2010, with decisions to be announced by April 23.
Applicants should send a cover letter, including date of PhD, current institutional affiliation and rank, mailing and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and title of project- a two to three page description of project, including resources to be used- a curriculum vitae- and three letters of recommendation to Jean Ashton, Executive
Vice President and Library Director, 170 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024. Postmark deadline is March 1, 2010- electronic applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. on that date.
Collection descriptions may be found on the New-York Historical Society website.