This Weeks New York History Web Highlights May 3, 2013admin City Room: George Jones’s New York City NYC: Mayor Elected in 1913 Carried a Gun Performing History: A PechaKucha Night in Buffalo AHA Member Spotlight: Albany’s Richard Fogarty Preservation: Old Abandoned Buildings of Northern NY N-Y HS Profile: Maurita Baldock, Curator of Manuscripts Adirondack Dam History: The Oxbow Reservoir Project Hops: New York Rediscovers An Old Crop Woolworth Building at 100: How They Partied in 1913 Clermont: A Disgruntled Servant Misses the Livingstons On Friday afternoons New York History compiles for our readers the best web highlights. You can find all our weekly web round-ups here. Subscribe! More than 3,900 people get New York History each day via E-mail, RSS, or Twitter or Facebook updates.